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Ms Excel worksheet contains cells and if you want to add a new line then you should know Excel keyboard shortcuts or simply ...

Excel Freezing Panes is used to freeze or fix more than one column or row. 1. Freeze the top row in Excel, 2. Freeze the ...

MS Excel: Excel drop-down list is simple to create by selecting a particular range of cells. Click on the Data Validation option...

Convert Excel text to date using Error Checking, Convert Excel text to date using Excel Functions and Convert Exce...

Excel wrap text is used to show multiple lines in a single cell of an Excel worksheet. Wrap Text work can be applied by m...

MS Excel or Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program provided by Microsoft. This application is used for Business applications. ...

Subtract dates in Excel with subtraction and the "DATEDIF Function ". Excel dates can be added or subtracted using simple...

MS Excel: To create named ranges in Excel used define name. Select a range in Excel sheet where you want to create...

MS Excel: Excel Spell Check feature is very much useful to find typo errors. In Excel worksheet double-click on a cell to enable...

MS Excel: Excel copy and paste feature will help individuals while working with Excel worksheets. Copy and paste can be done wit...

Convert Excel text to Number using Error Checking, Convert Excel text to number using Excel Functions and Convert ...

MS Excel shortcut keys make Excel work easy and save time. Excel shortcuts are used most frequently. Time invested...

Excel shortcut to unhide columns is Ctrl + Shift + 0. Hide a row, select a row, right-click, and then click Hide o...

Excel: How to Remove Gridlines in Excel. View gridlines by clicking on the Page Layout tab. Now, within Gridlines, check ...

Excel: Shortcut to open Format cells is ctrl+1. Complete Guide. 1. Select Cell, 2. Go to a Home ribbon, 3. Click on the G...

Excel merge cell can be implemented by Selecting cells to merge. In Table Tools, click on Merge Cells and then Spl...

Excel Subtract hours, minutes, or seconds of an Excel cell time simply use the TIME function of Excel or subtract use the subtra...

Excel Zoom in or Zoom out using the mouse or using the Excel option. Zoom using a mouse is very simple just click on the ctrl ke...

MS Excel: Excel function is very useful while working with Excel worksheets. Excel functions can be used in three ways, 1. give ...

Convert Excel Number to Text using Error Checking, Convert Excel Number to Text using Excel Functions and Convert ...

MS Excel: Excel Reference Styles contains two types of Excel reference Style: 1) A1 reference Style and 2) R1C1 Excel reference ...

Datedif function of Excel and Excel date function; date and time formula in Excel can be used to decrease e...

Convert Excel date to text using apostrophe, Convert Excel date to text using Excel Text Function and Convert Exce...

Excel Home ribbon contains Formatting in Excel options. 1) Select a cell, 2) Right-click and select Format Cells, 3) Choose a ca...

MS Excel Autofill feature is used to populate a range of cells with repeat values, cell format, or series of values. How to use ...

MS Excel’s Find feature is used to find an occurrence of a particular value in a cell of the worksheet of Excel. The same Repl...

MS Excel provides many ways to enter data in spreadsheets or worksheets. Users can enter data in an Excel worksheet/spreadsheet ...

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