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MS Excel: What Is Excel | Basics Of Excel

MS Excel: What Is Excel | Basics Of Excel
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MS Excel or Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program provided by Microsoft. This application is used for Business applications. This Excel application provides the functionality to organize, format, and calculate data in a spreadsheet.

Excel provides data organization using this data analyst tool users can organize information in a very easy way to present or make an eye on when data got changed or added.

Excel spreadsheet contains many small boxes called Cells that are aligned in row and column format. Data should be placed in these cells. As Excel is a part of MS Office, so it’s compatible with its other applications.

Note: Ms. Excel is available only for Windows, Android, MacOS, and iOS platforms.

MS Excel Uses

Excel is basically used for business purposes including business analysis, management, operations, and making reports. Some are the basic functions are mentioned below:

  • Business Analysis
  • Data Entry and Storage
  • Collection and Verification of business data
  • Data Analysis
  • Performance Reporting
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Administrative and Managerial Management
  • Accounting and Budgeting
  • Account Management
  • Office Administration
  • Project Management

MS Excel Components and Terminologies

MS Excel has it’s own terminologies and components. Here we mentioned some of them, look into the below-mentioned list:

  • Cells: Cells is used to enter data, that is the intersection of rows and column.
  • Cell Reference: This is known as a set of coordinates where a single cell is located. Rows are present horizontal and contain numbers whereas column is in vertical position and contains alphabets.
  • Active Cell: Active cell is known as a selected cell, highlighted by an outline.
  • Workbook: Workbook is known as a Excel file that has more than one worksheet or may also contain one worksheet.
  • Worksheet: This is known as a worksheet that is present in the workbook.
  • Worksheet Tab: Worksheet tabs are present at the bottom left of the spreadsheet.
  • Row’s and Column’s headings: These headings are nothing but the cells which are located outside of the columns and rows. When selecting a header will highlight the entire row or column.
  • Formula: Formula is a mathematical equation used for cell reference or functions. This formula is placed in a cell to get the required value/output. The formula always starts with the "=" sign.
  • Formula Bar: The formula bar is a long input bar, used to enter values. Present at the top of the worksheet.
  • Address Bar: This bar is present at the left of the Formula bar and shows the coordinates of the active cell.
  • Filter: This is known as a rule used by the user to select which row he/she wants to display in a worksheet. An option is available at the top right section of the page named "Sort & Filter".
  • Auto Filter: While this auto filter option is enabled user can copy the data to more than one cell automatically. Users can select two cells horizontally and drag them to the bottom to copy the entire data to the bottom cells.
  • AutoSum: This feature is used to add multiple values.
  • PivotTable: This is a summarization tool used to sort and calculate data automatically.
  • PivotChart: PivotChart is work as a visual look to PivotTable and gives a graphical representation of the data.
  • Source Data: This is used to create PivotTable.