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MS Excel: How To Insert A Function In Excel

MS Excel: How To Insert A Function In Excel
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Excel is a very good and easy tool to manage data. For a beginner, directly write the Excel function in a cell with brackets enclosed arguments. It’s an easier way to use a function with an argument dialog box. This is very helpful if you are writing a complex function on an Excel worksheet.

How To Use Function Arguments Dialog Box

Excel Function Argument dialog box pop up only when the Excel function is selected. There are two methods to select the Excel function:

  • Method 1: First you need to Select the fx (Function button) symbol at the left of the formula bar.
    When you select the function button a new section will open on the right side of the screen.
    From this section you have to select the name of the function and then click on the "Insert Function" button.
  • Method 2: Go to Formulas tab available at the top option beside Page layout.
    From here you can choose any category then function to use.


Here is the example of Method 2:

  • Give 2 different values in two different columns.
  • Click on fx presents at the formula row.
  • Now, go to the right side of the screen and select the ‘Sum’ function and click on the "Insert Function" button.
  • then select the cells first then second and click on the Done button at the right panel in the sum function.


Typing Functions Directly Into A Cell Of Worksheet

Excel functions make the work easy and if you become very familiar with functions and formulas then you can write functions in cells themselves or you can use a formula bar for this.

If you are writing directly into the formula bar, as shown in the image below. When you start typing in the formula bar Excel will show the prompt containing the syntax of the function. As in the example when started typing IF function, Excel shows the prompt of the syntax of the If function.


To use the function you can also select the range of the cells using the mouse where you want to apply the formula but make sure your cursor should be in the formula bar where the cell range is required. Excel then automatically inserts the cell number into the function. Refer below image for a better understanding.


The way of selecting cells to apply the function will work only for any worksheet but in the same workbook. This won’t work for a range in another workbook. If you want to add a reference cell of another workbook then you need to include the name of the other workbook and name of the worksheet and the range of the cells to apply the function.