Excel gives the facility to convert the Number to Text using multiple options. This is a simple process to convert the Number to Text means it informs Excel to treat the data as Text instead of Numbers.
If the Excel worksheet cell contains a Number representation of Text, instead of actual Text then Excel will produce an error while you using these data in any of the calculations in the worksheet. Using 4 ways, you can convert the Number to Text in Excel:
Convert a Number to Text in Excel, further steps guide available below.
Excel provides the easiest way to convert a Number to Text by adding an Apostrophe symbol in Infront of a number.
Apostrophe in Excel has a special function. The apostrophe will not be shown in the cell containing the number but informs to Excel treat the data in a cell as Text instead Number. This feature of Excel can be useful to display leading zeros on numbers (telephone numbers).
Excel also provides a way to convert an entire column containing numbers values to text format. Text To Columns command of Excel is used for the same purpose.
Text To Columns command only works for a single column at a time so, it is not useful if your Excel worksheet data spans more than one column.
Follow the steps to convert a Number to Text:
Excel’s concatenation operator is used to join the data types together in text format. So, simply & (concatenation operator) join the text and number representation into a single text value.
If you add an empty text value with a number, that will result in only a number value. This is presented using an example below image:
Excel has three functions that can be used to convert a number to text value representation:
Excel Text Function is used to convert a number to text in a particular format specified by the user.
Syntax:TEXT( value, format_text )
Excel Dollar Function is used to round a number to particular decimal places and convert a number to text (using currency format).
Syntax:DOLLAR( number, [decimals] )
Excel Fixed Function is used to round a number to particular decimal places specified by user and convert a number to text.
Syntax:FIXED( number, [decimals], [no_commas] )