Google keep is a service for taking notes, making a to-do list, making a drawing as a note, adding audio, adding images, adding labels to your note, archiving your notes, etc provided by Google.
This app was released on March 20, 2013, ; 7 years ago and you can download this app on android and iOS devices free of cost and use this service on a web version and chrome extension as well as on Gmail.
Google keep services include other Google services like Google docs, Google slides, Google forms, Google draws, and many more.
Google keep is working with the 2 most recent versions of the browser:
You must have a Google account to use Google keep.
Open any search engine which is suitable to you, here we are opening google. Now, search Google Keep in search bar.
When you search on Google, a new page will open as shown below image. You just go to the first link and click on that.
Once you click on that link, mentioned in the previous step a popup will come up. Here, you need to log in by giving your Gmail credential (Username, Password).
Here, you have Google keep window. You can use each and every feature of Google keep explained in further steps.
Here, you have to make a new list of Google keep to start using Google keep. Click on the new list option in the middle, and follow the below image.
Now, start making a list for your future reference, i.e. Shop, Deliver And To-Do.
If you forget to add some to a particular existing list then you just need to click on that note. Now, you can just add to that list e.g., we forget to add To-do in the list. So, we are adding To-Do to an existing list.
Google keep provide a feature that you can also keep notes by drawing your list instead of writing. Here are some steps to follow:
Go to Google and search for Google Keep. You will have an interface like the below image as keep notes.
In the screen, You will see a brush/pen tool as shown below image. Select the paintbrush tool and also choose the color according to your choice or requirement. Choose the size of the brush also.
Here, you can select the style of the page in which pattern you love to write or make your notes.
Once you are done with brush size, color, and page style then you can start drawing your notes, in whatever language you want because you just need to draw not write.
Google keep notes provide more option so, when you click on the three icons in the top right corner you will find more options. Once you are done with your notes, just click on the "Back" icon on the top left corner, and you are done with drawing keep notes.
Output will be like below image of drawing keep notes
Google Keep also provides an add image facility to your notes. You can simply add any image to your notes, just follow the below steps:
First, come to Google keep screen by login into your Gmail account.
Now, from the 3 options, you need to click on the image icon which is the nearby brush icon. Click on the image icon to add a suitable image to your notes.
Here, after clicking on the image icon you have to choose an image of your choice that you want to add to your keep notes.
Now you can give the title and add a description of the notes in the given sections.
Google keep provides here an option to give background color to the notes to give an extra look and feel to the Keep Notes. To give background color to the keep notes you need to click on the color palette as shown below image. Now you can choose the color of your choice to give background color to Google Keep Notes.
Here, Look at all the notes you have created so far.