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MS Excel: How To Perform A Spell Check In Excel

MS Excel: How To Perform A Spell Check In Excel
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Excel Spell Check feature is very much useful to find typo errors. As Excel is helpful to manage & analyze data with ease but somehow you made typo mistakes in the worksheet and then if you go to correct it manually that will lots of your time.

Excel contains a built-in feature called Spell Check, which helps to find errors before they become a big issue. So, Simple use the Excel spell check feature to correct typo errors in simple steps.

How To Perform A Spell Check In Excel (Quick Guide)

Do Excel spell check, further steps guide available below

  1. Select a cell of a worksheet to apply spell check.
  2. Go to Review and click Spelling option.
  3. If, any error in the selected range’s text then Excel will pop up a Spelling dialogue using which you can ignore or correct the Spelling errors.

Excel Spell-Check enable or use is defined below with a detailed description:

Step 1: Select Particular Cells Of Excel Worksheet

Excel ’s operation is performed by selecting the particular range of cells, the same as you have to do with spell check also.

  • If one cell is selected then the spell check will apply to the whole worksheet of Excel.
  • If more than one cell is selected then only the spell check will apply to the selected portion of the Excel worksheet.
  • If multiple worksheets are selected then all the Excel worksheets will spell checked.


Step 2: Click On Spelling Options

Now, you have to go to the top in the Review section where you will an option Spelling. Just click on that Spelling option


Step 3: Correct Or Ignore Spelling Errors

Spelling dialogue box is used to correct the errors or ignore spelling errors. Click on the Change All button to complete the Spell check process.


When you are done with the spelling check of a particular range a pop-up message will notify you that "Spell check complete. You're good to go!".


Note: If Excel finds some error in spelling mistake then in the Spelling check dialogue box you will have some suggestions list.


Excel Spelling dialogue shows that a particular value has an error and also give suggestion to correct the value with alternative suggestions. The spelling dialogue box contains many options such as:

  • Ignore Once: This option is used to ignore the current occurrence of the wrongly spelled word.
  • Ignore All: This option is used to ignore all occurrences of the word that contains this spelling.
  • Add To Dictionary: This option is used to add a particular word to your Excel dictionary, so that it is not throw errors again, in the future.
    Excel also provides replace feature. You can replace the particular word from the suggested list word and apply the below options:
  • Change: This option is used to replace the current occurrence of the wrongly spelled word.
  • Change All: This option is used to replace all occurrences of the word that contains this spelling.
  • Auto-Correct: This is used to replace the current occurrence of the misspelled word, and also add that mis-spelling to the AutoCorrect list of Excel, so next time this spelling will be corrected automatically.
